
About Psi Chi:

"Psi Chi is the International Honor Society in Psychology, founded in 1929 for the purposes of encouraging, stimulating, and maintaining excellence in scholarship, and advancing the science of psychology. Membership is open to graduate and undergraduate men and women who are making the study of psychology one of their major interests, and who meet the minimum qualifications."

Psi Chi serves two major goals for each individual member inducted into the society which include:
  • Academic recognition based the fact of membership 
  • Provide an academic climate that fosters creative development 
*For more information about Psi Chi International from the national website, click here

UMCP Chapter Visions and Goals:

In order to provide Psi Chi members here at the University of Maryland, College Park with an academic climate that fosters creative development (Psi Chi's second major goal), we intend to provide our members with the opportunities to network and build relationships with fellow psychology majors, fellow Psi Chi members, faculty members, and community members in order to fulfill their personal goals. These personal goals and fulfillment can be obtained through our chapter by:
  • Becoming an active member to help the progression of the chapter 
  • Getting involved with service projects in order to better serve the community 
  • Network with students and faculty from a wide array of backgrounds and career interests 
  • Learn more about the psychology department and faculty members 
  • Create a more memorable and enjoyable college experience 
Benefits of Membership:
  • Ability to network and create lasting relationships during your college experience for your future education and career choices 
  • Gain international recognition 
  • Learn about the latest opportunities within the undergraduate psychology department 
  • Meet the UMD psychology faculty and learn about their academic and research experiences 
  • Participate in service activities that benefit the surrounding community members, our university and our student body 
  • Excellent for building up your resume 
  • Members have the opportunity to promote their research, gain national or international recognition, and speak leaders in similar fields 
  • "The United States government recognizes membership in Psi Chi as meeting one of the requirements for entrance at the GS-7 level in the Federal service"