Board Members

Greetings from the Psi Chi 2013-2014 Executive Board!

The UMD Psi Chi Executive Board is excited to be working with this year's current and perspective members. Below is the list of our board members and the appropriate email address for them to be reached at for your convenience. Please feel free to contact a board member if you have any questions regarding Psi Chi.

Students are encouraged to contact Psi Chi at our organization's email account by clicking here ( We look forward to hearing from you! Help us make this year our best year yet.

Psi Chi Advisor
Andres De Los Reyes, Ph.D

Jake Bender

A senior from Fairfield, CT Jake is interested in Industrial Organizational Psychology and Business sales management. He has been a Research Assistant for CAPER, MURI, SPIRL, and is currently assisting PhD candidate Michael Parke in his research pertaining to employee goal setting, motivation, and prioritization. Jake is also currently aiding PhD candidates Brady Firth and Elizabeth Campbell-bush in their research as well. Additionally Jake is in the Psychology Honors program and currently conducting research on the Objective self awareness theory and its effect on the employee hiring process.

Vice President
Nighisti Dawit

"I am a senior psychology major and human development minor interested in PTSD and human trafficking research. Psi Chi is a really amazing organization, and I look forward to answering any questions you may have."

VP of Marketing
Frank Fonseca

"I am a senior Psychology major, transferred to UMD Fall 2012, and joined Psi Chi as soon as I could. It's great that I was able to become VP of Marketing shortly after joining. Please ask me how to get more involved with Psychology at Maryland! I may change your life!"

VP of Communication
Shayna Berkowitz

"I am a junior Psychology major with an interest in Child Clinical Psychology. I joined Psi Chi for the wealth of opportunities that they make available to students interested in pursuing careers in Psychology. I can't wait for the all the things in store for this year."

VP of Finance
Agnes Varghese

"Hey guys! I am a junior psychology and journalism double here at the University. I am also in the Gemstone Honors Research Program. I joined Psi Chi to get more hands-on experience in the field of psychology. I wanted to network with other students in the major and get opportunities related to graduate school. Come join Psi Chi!! I can't wait to take good care of your money as the VP of Finance!"

Special Events Director
Peter Voystock
"Psi Chi is a great way to become more involved in the university's psychology department. It gave me the opportunity to work more closely with, and become familiar with students and faculty of the department. I would definitely encourage all psychology students to attempt to find out more about Psi Chi and to become involved."